Learning Express Computer Skills Module

We have added the Computer Skills module to our Learning Express package.  It’s truly an amazing array of tutorials of the Microsoft Office Suite (versions from 1997-2007, too).  The tutorials vary in length and complexity, but as with all Learning Express products, you can stop at any time and pick up the test/tutorial where you left off.

There’s one little hiccup in the process right now.  Learning Express is moving it to a new platform within the next few weeks, but until that time it requires a plug-in.  That means that it can only be used by home users at this time, since they can download plug-ins for their personal computers.  Users in the library will have to wait until the new version is launched.  Once the new version goes live, we will promote it to everyone.

Reference Books on Display

We have some mighty fine reference books in our collection, don’t we?  The Reference Services Committee has been asked to remind everyone that while it’s ok to call a community library and request that a reference book be sent to fulfill a patron’s information request, it’s not ok to place holds on reference books for book displays.  These requests will not be filled.

Business.Decision changes

Business.Decision has targeted June 15, 2009 as their “go live” date for their new interface.  I got to see a brief outline of the new look and it incorporates many changes that have been suggested by users.  They’re actually changing the language used to reflect more “user friendly” terms.  Will keep you all posted as I learn more.  We could be looking at a beta in mid-May.

Five Star Premium Content

Users can now rate our premium content electronic resources!!  From subject or search results lists, a quick click on “Rate This” will allow our users to rate the resource.  These ratings will then rank the resource in the subject and results lists.  For example, if everyone agrees that Biography Resource Center is THE five star resource for biography research, then it will be at the top of the list instead of third on the list (as it has been in the past alphabetical order). 

This is just the first release – please leave your comments and ideas for improvement!!